About GridMatrix
Our Mission
GridMatrix’s mission is to evolve existing transportation infrastructure for the demands of the next 50 years. A component of this evolution will include new physical infrastructure, but it will also require the genesis of a new digital layer of infrastructure as well. We see a generational opportunity to build this digital infrastructure and accelerate the shift to new forms of mobility. We have already begun this work, building a cloud based software platform that ingests data from any existing edge sensor within a city and delivers insights that eliminate traffic congestion, accidents, and emissions in real time. GridMatrix’s software can already reveal all eastbound freight traffic in a city, predict the total gallons of gasoline consumed across its road grid, and let emergency responders know that an accident has taken place on 110th Ave & 4th Street in under 200 milliseconds. Our funnel is expanding to include cloud based data sources, fusing information from connected vehicles, mobile phones, and satellite images with live edge data to create a true digital twin of urban street traffic. Ultimately, we will evolve into a predictive, bidirectional channel whereby users and infrastructure are connected and can communicate with each other. While our product and company grew out of thinking about how to build a smarter intersection (and remake cities in the process), we already have inbound requests for real time spatial intelligence beyond solely urban settings. From the port that wants to understand cargo movement and truck queues, to construction sites tracking material flow, to airports measuring the relationship between ground traffic and passenger volume - we are building an original digital layer of infrastructure that will have a foundational role in each of these settings and ultimately contribute to a safer, greener, and more efficient world.

The Second Mobility Paradigm Shift
We’re all living through a mobility paradigm shift right now. There’s a radical transformation happening in the way we move: people, energy, data, and goods - where they originate, where they end up, and how they get there. When Henry Ford launched the Model T in 1908, he catalyzed the first mobility paradigm shift. Cars and horses co-existed for the next 20 years before vehicles emerged as the primary mode of urban transit. Accompanying this transition was the demand for new infrastructure to support them: paved roads, gas stations, and road networks - all of which ultimately changed the layout and composition of cities. Today is no different. Advances across the autonomous, connected, electric, and shared technology verticals require the development of new infrastructure to support their deployment and adoption. Currently our world is mixed - emerging and legacy forms of transportation co-exist. Existing urban infrastructure, however, hasn’t yet evolved to support them. We only need to look at the past to understand where we are on that transformational arc and what comes next...
Company Overview
Gridmatrix's cloud based software platform eliminates traffic congestion, accidents, and emissions. Using data from existing sensors as well as cloud based sources, GridMatrix helps cities accelerate their transportation goals and ultimately transform into safer, greener, and more efficient places to live and work.
Founded 2021
GridMatrix was co-founded by a team of former Apple engineering and operations colleagues with a combined 22 patents and 100 years of experience at America’s leading technology companies, including Apple, Amazon, and Google.
Long Term Partner
GridMatrix aims to be a long term Partner to cities, helping them prepare their infrastructure for next 50 years across the autonomous, connected, electric, and technology verticals.
Built for Impact
GridMatrix builds solutions that make a difference. From slashing congestion and green house gas emissions to reporting traffic accidents in under 200 milliseconds, GridMatrix's software transforms how cities operate.
Product Design Philosophy
Software first. Cloud native. Universally compatible. Platform agnostic. Scalable. GridMatrix's solution integrates edge data from any sensor with cloud based data sources to deliver real time insights at city-wide scale.